Danger Man (USA Title Secret Agent) ITC 1960-68

               Dangerman first aired in September of 1960. The series follows the exploits of John Drake, an agent working for the secret service branch of NATO. This was a fairly routine spy adventure series, with Drake facing different assignments each week in any part of the world (or part of the studio backlot). The series was originally a half-hour black and white series,  39 episodes being made in this format. The series proved popular and was increased to an hour-long format.

                With the advent of this also came the secret gadgets and spy equipment (must keep up with Mr. Bond), and also came a change in Drake’s boss, for he no longer worked for NATO, but instead MI9. Drake was very much a loner in  complete charge of any assignment he tackled. 47 episodes were made in the hour-long format with the last two being made in colour in 1968.

                The show’s star, Patrick McGoohan, became an international star as a result of this series and subsequently went on to write and star in “The Prisoner”.

                A note on this series for American readers: This series was known as “Dangerman” in the UK henceforth any items that were issued in the UK under the name “Secret Agent” do not relate to this series, but were the manufacturer’s attempt to cash in on the spy craze predominant at that period, without having to pay one of the TV companies to use their character.

Associated Merchandise