Action and adventure on the high seas with this early ITV series featuring Robert Shaw as Dan Tempest. Another series produced for ITC by Sapphire films, between 1956 and 57, this series is slightly unusual in that the main star of the series Captain Tempest does not appear in the first two episodes. These episodes instead tell the story of how pirates have been purged from their Caribbean stronghold by Governor Woodes Rogers played by Alec Clunes. An island that prior to British rule Tempest had virtually ruled. His pirating now pardoned Tempest is a Kingsman standing side by side with the new governor against a common enemy the Spaniards.
Items known to exist for this series, but not in the collection include:
UK issued Painting book
The Buccaneers Sling Dart Game by Transogram
Two different British jigsaw puzzles by Tower Press.
Buccanneers kit by Newark felt Novelty company in USA
Shooting Game by Chad Vally in the UK