Invisible Man, The ATV 1958-59

An early Ralph Smart produced series, this version of H G Wells’ Invisible Man owes absolutely nothing to H G Wells other than it’s concept of an invisible man. This was the first TV series to be inspired by Wells’ classic story. this version features scientist Peter Brady who while testing his theories of optical density occidentally turns him self invisible. finding himself unable to reverse the process that lead to this he becomes stuck as the Invisible Man.
Having to prove his loyalty to various ministerial types who have at first had him imprisoned, he then becomes a kind of government agent having to take on various villains and ne’er-do-wells for the British government, whilst still looking for a cure for his predicament. The actor playing Brady was never credited at the time, though he has sequentially been named as Actors Tim Turner, who provided the voice and Johnny Scripps who provided a physical form for Brady when needed. Produced Ralp Smart had felt that as so many people were responsible for the special effects such as driver-less cars, floating cigarettes, items that moved themselves, etc. That to credit one man as the character would be unfair.
The series also featured a young Deborah Watling as Brady’s niece Sally, who would later play Victoria during the Patrick Troughton era of Doctor Who. (An actor who incidentally was to guest star in the episode “Strange Partners”. Two seasons totalling 26 episodes were show during 1958 -59.
