Produced between 1956 and 1957, this 30-episode series followed the adventures of Sir Lancelot, famed knight of the round table. Played in the series by William Russell, who would later become one of Doctor Who’s first companions, it followed in the style of many other of the ITC shows from the period. Sir Lancelot mostly having to stave off threats to the throne by marauding invaders. This is possibly one of the earliest British television series to have been made, at least partially, in colour with the final 14 episodes being filmed entirely in colour. AS with Robin Hood before it, the show was made by Sapphire Films for ITC and likewise made use of many US writers, often using pseudonyms, who were blacklisted in their home country. Other regulars in the series were Ronald Leigh-Hunt who played King Arthur for the majority of the series. Bruce Seton having played it for the first three episodes. Queen Guinevere was played by Jane Hylton, while Cyril Smith appeared as Merlin the Magician, with whom Sir Lancelot would often conspire in ways to thwart whatever threat was endangering Camelot. Sir Lancelot’s young squire Brian was played by Robert Scroggins.
Other items known to exist but currently not in the collection include:
Two different British Painting Books