Children’s adventure series following the exploits of Tarot, (played by Michael MacKenzie) a stage illusionist and escapologist who becomes involved with paranormal themed investigations. During the first two seasons, he is aided by his assistant Lulli (Judy Loe), with whom he shares a telepathic link and his stage manager Sam (Tony Selby). Sadly these first two seasons are both missing from the archives.
The only remaining season in the archive, sees these two characters having been replaced by brother and sister team of Chas (Roy Holder) an aspiring photographer and Mikki, (Petra Markham) a young journalist, who conveniently seems to share the same telepathic link with Tarot that Lulli had in the previous seasons. This appears to have been a highly enjoyable series, based on viewing of the remaining season, weaving magic , fantasy and science fiction into exciting adventures that still hold up quite well 40 years later.
The series was created by Trevor Preston and featured stories written by P J Hammond who went on to create Sapphire and Steel. In total 46 half hour episodes were produced over the shows three year run. Next to nothing was produced relating to the series other than a few related magazine features etc.