Secret Service, The. ITC 1969

This was a 13 episode series made by the Gerry Anderson Studios in 1969, it contained both the familiar puppet format, as well as live action sequences. The stable vehicle of the show was a souped-up Model T Ford. The life-sized version of which turned up later in episodes of UFO, the Anderson’s following series. This car was  somewhat of  a departure  from the  normal high-tech vehicles of the studio’s earlier series.

The Secret Service never really gained any commercial success. It starred Stanley Unwin as a slightly-deaf village priest, come secret agent, who works for the BISHOP (British Intelligence Secret Headquarters, Operation Priest) — (who thinks these names up??) — who by use of an electronic device hidden within a book, could miniaturise his gardener Matthew, or any other person or object he cared to, to a third of its original size. Father Unwin was contacted by other BISHOP operatives via a radio device in his hearing aid. Using these devices he was able to operate without  disclosing his identity as a secret agent.

Very few related products were released.