The Avengers Annual (© 1969. No year on cover)


The third and final Avengers annual by Atlas Publishing  once again featured Tara King, and had a similar mixture of stories and feature as the other annuals.  The cover shows a full face  drawing of Steed with Tara  looking  over his left shoulder,  both front and back   covers are the same. Stories and features contained :

Text Stories

Don’t go Down the Mine,  Dad (Mother’s Already There)

Come on in the waters Deadly

What’s a ghoul like you, Doing in a place like this?

Strip Stories

Good Guys and Bad Guys

May I Have This Trance?

Thou’rt an Interfering Varlet, Mr Steed


Off  Set with the Avengers

The Avengers change gear

Going home to Mother

Steady Steed

Trackers Tricks

Original Price 10/6d

Approx equivalent 2012 –  £14.13