AMT model kit of 3 different versions of the Enterprise.
Category Archives: Star Trek Movies original
TV Comic No 1611
TV Comic No 1594
TV Comic No 1475
STTMP Weetabix cards
STTMP stickers.
STTMP Ice lolly cards
STTMP cards
Generations Weetabix cards
Star Trek First Contact Lazer Disc
Star Trek Generations Lazer Disc
Starlog Star Trek / ET poster
Starlog Star Trek / Tarzan poster
Star Trek TMP Ice Lolly poster
Star Trek TMP commercial poster
Star Trek Into darkness Quad Khan
Star Trek Into darkness Quad logo
Star Trek Into darkness Quad cast
Star Trek Into Darkness (logo) 1 sheet poster
Star Trek Into Darkness (Cast) 1 sheet poster
Star Trek First Contact 1 sheet poster
Star Trek Nemesis Quad
Mad UK Super Mad No 6 1992
Starlog Scrapbook Vol 3 Indiana Jones cover.
Starlog Poster Magazine Vol 3
Starlog Poster Magazine Vol 1
The Best of Star Log Vol 3
Starlog 88
Starlog 86
Starlog 85
Starlog 82 Search for Spock cover.
Star Trek III The Search for Spock Movie Special
Starlog 84
Starlog 81
Starlog 67
Starlog 32 Star Trek Motion Picture cover
Star Trek Generations Weetabix boxes
Poster Magazine STTMP
Star Trek Scratch card
Star Trek III Find your Fate book.
Star Trek Air fresheners
Star Trek Instructions
Star Trek TMP Pop-up book
Star Trek TMP Annual
Star Trek Annual 1983
Star Trek III Story Book
Metamorph 2 Issue 8 Spring 1997
Look In 1977 no 14. Just William cover.
Look In 2nd April 1977.
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured.
Regular strips at this time included: The Six million Dollar Man, The Tomorrow People, the Bionic Woman.
Regular feature the worlds of Gerry Anderson, this week’s piece was on Space 1999, though he also talks about the Star Trek movie being made including a photograph of Kirk.
Small photograph of Kenneth Williams in the Carry on films.
Original Price 9p
Look In comic 1980 No 50 Buck Rogers cover.
Look In comic 6th December 1980
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured. Feature on space heroes includes photos from Fireball XL5, Dan Dare, Battlestar Galatica, Flash Gordon, Star Wars, Captain Scarlet, Space 1999, UFO, Blakes 7 and Star Trek the motion picture.
Regular strips at this time included Charlie’s Angels, Worzel Gummidge, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Sapphire and Steel, Mork & Mindy.
Original Price 15p
Look In comic 1982 No 33 Star Trek cover.
Look in comic 13th Feb 1982.
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured.
Regular comic strips at this time the Fall Guy, Worzal Gummidge, Chips.
Feature on the second Star Trek movie. Small piece on Thunderbirds.
Original Price 18p