Thermos Flask issued by King-Seeley Thermos in 1964. Original issued as a set with a Lunch box.
This Television star book is a veritable who’s who of TV stars of the year containing photographs or features off or on: The Saint, I Spy, Batman, The Man and Girl from U.N.C.L.E., Emergency Ward 10, The Human Jungle, The Munsters, The Power Game, The Avengers, The FBI (This is of interest to 77 Sunset strip fans as it is about Efrem Zibalist Jnr who stared in that), Take your Pick, Double your Money, The Prisoner, Morecambe and Wise (This features a photograph of Sean Connery visiting the lads on set), Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, Supercar, Fireball XL5, Stingray, Thunderbirds, Bonanza, Honey West, Dr Finlay’s Casebook, The Baron, The Big Valley, T.H.E. Cat, Peyton place, Man in a suitcase, Public Eye, Lost in Space, The Virginian, Daktari, Get Smart, The Fugitive, No Hiding Place, Redcap.
There are several books or annuals of this type in the collection, but none have quite as an impressive selection of so many of this type of Cult TV show within their pages.
Published by Purnell & Sons ltd, no year is given but given the contents this has to be from around 1967.
Annual published by City Magazines Ltd. Contents include many different Television and film shows of the period including:
Burke’s Law, Supercar, Fireball XL5, Stingray, My Favourite Martian, Lady Penelope (Thunderbirds).
Advert for the comic in the back which shows a photograph of a Dalek.
Original Price 9/6d
Annual published by Independent Television Books Ltd.
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured.
Feature on the Gerry Anderson studios with photographs from Supercar, Thunderbirds, Stingray, Fireball XL5, Captain Scarlet, Joe 90, U.F.O., Space 1999, The Protectors.
A text Space 1999 story called Centre of Conflict.
Feature on Mike Holoway of the Tomorrow People.
Feature on Lee Majors, the Six Million Dollar Man.
A strip story of the Tomorrow People.
Original Price £1.00
Look In comic 6th December 1980
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured. Feature on space heroes includes photos from Fireball XL5, Dan Dare, Battlestar Galatica, Flash Gordon, Star Wars, Captain Scarlet, Space 1999, UFO, Blakes 7 and Star Trek the motion picture.
Regular strips at this time included Charlie’s Angels, Worzel Gummidge, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Sapphire and Steel, Mork & Mindy.
Original Price 15p
Look in comic 13th Feb 1982.
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured. Small photo of Roger Moore as Bond.
Regular comic strips at this time Magnum P.I., Worzal Gummidge, Chips.
Feature on Gerry Anderson series including Supercar, Fireball XL5, Stingray, Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, Joe 90. Full page piece on the Incredible Hulk.
Original Price 18p