Category Archives: Sapphire & Steel

Look In Annual © 1981

Look In Annual published by Independent Television Publications Ltd.
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured.
Contents include a feature on Mel Blanc who voiced Twiki in Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Sapphire and Steel, Photographs of James Bond and Pin ups of Buck Rogers and Col. Deering.
Original Price £2.25

Look In Annual © 1980

Look In Annual published by Independent Television Publications Ltd.
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured.
Contents include feature on Superheroes (includes photographs of Superman, Incredible Hulk, Wonder woman, Batman, Spiderman, Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon, Six Million Dollar Man, Captain Scarlet), Charlie’s Angels, Mork and Mindy , Sapphire and Steel, Small photograph of Starsky and Hutch.
Original Price £1.75

Look In Annual © 1979

Look In Annual published by Independent Television Publications Ltd.
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured.
Contents include feature on Science fiction (with photographs from Doctor Who, Star Wars, Superman, Spiderman, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Sapphire and Steel, Buck Rogers in the 25th century), Sapphire and Steel, Small piece on New Avengers, Space 1999, Charlie’s Angels, Happy Days.
Original Price £1.45

Look In 1980 No 13 Tiswas cover

Look In 22nd March 1980.
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured.
Regular strips Sapphire and Steel, Worzal Gummidge, Charlie’s Angels,  Battlestar Galactica, Mork and Mindy.
Full page advert for Weetabix Star Trek the Motion Picture offer.
Original Price 13p

Look In 1980 No 8 Dick Turpin cover

Look In 16th February 1980.
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured.
Regular strips Sapphire and Steel, Worzal Gummidge, Charlie’s Angels,  Battlestar Galactica.
Small piece on Quatermass. Small Richard Greene , Robin Hood photograph. Small Live and Let Die photograph. Small Tarzan Photograph.
Original Price 13p

Look In 1980 No 5

Look In 26th January 1980.
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured.
Regular strips Sapphire and Steel, Charlie’s Angels,  Battlestar Galactica.
Small piece relating to Start Wars. Tomorrow People feature. Charlie’s Angels pin up.
Original Price 13p

Look In 1979 No 51

Look In 15th December 1979.
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured.
Regular strips Sapphire and Steel, Charlie’s Angels, Battlestar Galactica.
Full page advert for Airfix Moonraker shuttle. Full page advert for Star Trek the Motion Picture.
Original Price 11p

Look In 1979 No 45 Cliff Richard cover.

Look In 3rd November 1979.
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured.
Regular strips Sapphire and Steel, Bionic Action (a Six Million Dollar Man, Bionic Woman combined strip), Battlestar Galactica.
Mork and Mindy pin up. Feature on TV heroes includes small photographs of Sapphire and Steel, Bionic Woman, Six Million Dollar Man, Incredible Hulk, Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Tarzan.
Original Price 11p

Look In 1979 No 44 Darts cover.

Look In 27th October 1979.
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured.
Regular strips Sapphire and Steel, Bionic Action (a Six Million Dollar Man, Bionic Woman combined strip), Battlestar Galactica.
Full page advert for Star Wars toys. Feature on Puppets on TV, includes Muffin the Mule, Thunderbirds, Sooty, Torchy the Battery Boy, Fireball XL5.
Original Price 11p

Look In 1979 No 43 Battlestar Galactica cover.

Look In 20th October 1979.
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured.
Regular strips Sapphire and Steel, Bionic Action (a Six Million Dollar Man, Bionic Woman combined strip), Battlestar Galactica.
Small photographs from Star Wars, Planet of the Apes, Six Million Dollar Man, Persuaders
Original Price 11p

Look In 1979 No 42 Blondie cover.

Look In 13th October 1979.
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured.
Regular strips Sapphire and Steel, Bionic Action (a Six Million Dollar Man, Bionic Woman combined strip).
Feature on TV Robots includes Lost in Space, Battlestar Galactic, Metropolis, Daleks, Buck Rogers, Logan’s Run. Mork and Mindy pin up. Next week Battlestar Galactica.
Original Price 11p

Look In 1979 No 36 Boomtown Rats cover

Look In 1st September 1979.
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured.
Regular strips Sapphire and Steel, Bionic Action (a Six Million Dollar Man, Bionic Woman combined strip).
Buck Rogers pin up. Small photograph from Moonraker.
Original Price 11p

Look In 1979 No 34 Elvis cover

Look In 18th August 1979.
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured.
Regular strips Sapphire and Steel, Bionic Action (a Six Million Dollar Man, Bionic Woman combined strip).
Full page advert for Corgi James Bond toys. Small piece on Star Wars books. Small photograph from Buck Rogers.
Original Price 11p

Look In 1979 No 33 Sapphire and Steel / Mork and Mindy cover

Look In 11th August 1979.
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured.
Regular strips Sapphire and Steel, Bionic Action (a Six Million Dollar Man, Bionic Woman combined strip).
Sapphire and Steel feature, Mork and Mindy feature. Full page advert for Buck Rogers in the 25th Century movie.
Original Price 11p

Look In 1979 No 31 Racey cover

Look In 28th July 1979.
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured.
Regular strips Bionic Action (a Six Million Dollar Man, Bionic Woman combined strip).
Star Wars toys advert. Competition to win a Space shuttle model from Moonraker. Charlie’s Angels pin up. Battlestar Galactica jacket offer.
Original Price 11p

Look In 1979 No 29 Sapphire and Steel cover

Look In 14th July 1979.
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured.
Regular strips Bionic Action (a Six Million Dollar Man, Bionic Woman combined strip).
Small Logan’s Run photograph. Sapphire and Steel feature. Battlestar Galactica jacket offer.
Original Price 11p

Look In 1981 No 1 Worzal Gummidge cover (Dec 1980)

Look In 27th December 1980
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured.
Regular strips at this time included: Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Worzal Gummidge, Charlie’s Angels, Sapphire and Steel, Mork and Mindy.
Small photograph from the Man with the Golden Gun.
Original Price 15p

Look In 1980 no 38 Benny Hill Cover.

Look In 13th September 1980.
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured.
Regular strips at this time included: Battlestar Galatica, Worzal Gummidge, Charlie’s Angels, Sapphire and Steel, Mork and Mindy.
Small photographs from the New Avengers, the Saint and Moonraker.
Original Price 15p


Look In comic 1980 No 48. Muppets cover.

Look In comic 22nd November 1980
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured. Includes an advert for Battlestar Galatica jackets.
Regular strips at this time included Charlie’s Angels, Worzel Gummidge, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Sapphire and Steel, Mork & Mindy.
Original Price 15p

Look In comic 1980 No 39. Gary Numan cover.

Look In comic 20th September 1980
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured. Full page advert for Star Wars Empire Strikes Back toys by Palitoy.
Regular strips at this time included Charlie’s Angels, Worzel Gummidge, Battlestar Galactica, Sapphire and Steel, Mork & Mindy.
Original Price 15p

Look In comic 1980 No 50 Buck Rogers cover.

Look In comic 6th December 1980
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured. Feature on space heroes includes photos from Fireball XL5, Dan Dare, Battlestar Galatica, Flash Gordon, Star Wars, Captain Scarlet, Space 1999, UFO, Blakes 7 and Star Trek the motion picture.
Regular strips at this time included Charlie’s Angels, Worzel Gummidge, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Sapphire and Steel, Mork & Mindy.
Original Price 15p

Look In comic 1980 No 52 Police cover.

Look In comic 20th December 1980
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured. Details for a Space 1999 fan club included in this issue.
Regular strips at this time included Charlie’s Angels, Worzel Gummidge, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Sapphire and Steel, Mork & Mindy.
Original Price 15p

Look In comic 1981 No 2

Look in comic for 3rd Jan 1981.
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured.
Regular comic strips at this time Buck Rogers, Charlies Angels, Sapphire and Steel, Worzal Gummidge and Mork & Mindy.
Star Pin up of David McCallum in Sapphire and Steel. Small feature on Star Wars.
Original Price 15p

Look In comic 1981 No 3

Look in comic for 10th Jan 1981.
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured.
Regular comic strips at this time Buck Rogers, Charlies Angels, Sapphire and Steel, Worzal Gummidge and Mork & Mindy.
Star Pin up of Joanna Lumley in Sapphire and Steel. Small photo of Catweazle.
Original Price 15p