TV Comic Issue 1651 12th August 1983
Contents mostly cartoon series. Small piece on Blakes 7.
Original Price 18p
Look In comic 6th December 1980
Contains features, photographs and strips on various television and film shows of the period, Also various groups and singers are featured. Feature on space heroes includes photos from Fireball XL5, Dan Dare, Battlestar Galatica, Flash Gordon, Star Wars, Captain Scarlet, Space 1999, UFO, Blakes 7 and Star Trek the motion picture.
Regular strips at this time included Charlie’s Angels, Worzel Gummidge, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Sapphire and Steel, Mork & Mindy.
Original Price 15p
World Distributors Ltd produced three Annuals for Blakes 7. Each contained text stories and features.
Blakes 7 Annual 1980
Front cover shows a drawing of the Liberator, with the Blakes 7 logo in the top left corner. Back cover shows two photos from the series on a red background, logo is in the top left corner. Spine is red, with both year and title of annual. Some copies of this annual do not have the year printed on the cover, copies like this are slightly rarer than the normal issue. In all other aspects they are identical. Contains both stories and features. This copy has no cover date, and has been autographed by Paul Darrow
Stories and features contained :
Planet of No Escape
Museum Piece
A Task for Bondor
Red for Danger
Space Calling… Are you receiving me?
Federation Test Sheet
Space Facts
Lumps of the Lunar Landscape
Cygnus the Swan Constellation
Calling all Cals
Blake’s Space Scrapbook
A Numbered Spacecraft
Space Logbook
Planet of the ashen Light
All set for take-off
The Constellations
Blake’s Space Race
Original Price £1.75
Corgi Toys Spaceships
BBC license issued to Mettoy (Corgi) For models of the Liberator, on 1/8/79 lasting until 30/6/82.
Liberator Spaceship Corgi Juniors No E2 1979 (Base (c) 1977)
Die-Cast / Plastic Model, White with green globe, silver band on central section of ship. This is a fairly accurate model of the Liberator. (Though I’m still not sure which way round the ship goes)
Original Price 60p
World Distributors Ltd produced three Annuals for Blakes 7. Each contained text stories and features.
Blakes 7 Annual (1981 Year Not Shown on cover)
Front cover shows a drawing of the Liberator with the Blakes 7 logo at the top, and a photo of the crew at the bottom. Back cover also shows photo of the crew, this time at the top, with a drawing of the Liberator in the bottom left corner, and the logo in the bottom right corner. Contains both stories and features. This copy has been autographed by Paul Darrow.
Stories and features contained :
Stories :
Message from Nowhere
Double Decoy
The Island
Zen Facts
Features :
Peril from the Skies
Pluto’s Planet
Pioneers of Space
An Alphabet of Space & Science
A Star Studded Quiz
Beware the Superchip!
Stories of the Stars
Original Price £1.95
World Distributors Ltd produced three Annuals for Blakes 7. Each contained text stories and features.
Blakes 7 Annual 1980
Front cover shows a drawing of the Liberator, with the Blakes 7 logo in the top left corner. Back cover shows two photos from the series on a red background, logo is in the top left corner. Spine is red, with both year and title of annual. Some copies of this annual do not have the year printed on the cover, copies like this are slightly rarer than the normal issue. In all other aspects they are identical. Contains both stories and features.
Stories and features contained :
Planet of No Escape
Museum Piece
A Task for Bondor
Red for Danger
Space Calling… Are you receiving me?
Federation Test Sheet
Space Facts
Lumps of the Lunar Landscape
Cygnus the Swan Constellation
Calling all Cals
Blake’s Space Scrapbook
A Numbered Spacecraft
Space Logbook
Planet of the ashen Light
All set for take-off
The Constellations
Blake’s Space Race
Original Price £1.75
World Distributors Ltd produced three Annuals for Blakes 7. Each contained text stories and features.
Blakes 7 Annual 1979
Front cover shows photo of Blake & other crew members of the Liberator, in a crazy paving effect, with the Blakes 7 logo in the top left corner. The back cover is red with a photo of Blake in the top right hand corner , with a photo of the Liberator below and to the left of this. The Blakes 7 logo is above, with the spine being red, showing both title and year. This copy has been autographed by Paul Darrow. Some copies of this annual did not have a price printed inside them.
The stories and features contained are :
Stories :
Crystal Gazing
Revenge of the Mutoes
The Body Stealers
The Box
The Sima Experiment
Mother Ship
Features :
Meet the 7
Mind-reading Zen
Alien Encounters
Super Computer
Space Warp
Blake’s Wonders of the Universe
Original Price £1.50